
Madrid 95-95-95 Targets




Madrid HIV Care Continuum




Message from the Mayor
Jorge Andrés Tovar Forero
Mayor of Madrid
HIV Services
Apoyo Positivo Población general

Avda. Llano Castellano, 26 , 28034 Madrid

91 358 14 44

Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm; Friday 10am-2pm

Mission: "Más de 20 años de respuesta comunitaria al VIH, la salud sexual y la diversidad, educación y derechos sexuales. Prueba rápida de detección VIH en 20 min."

Primary Services: Testing, psychologial services, peer support groups, substance abuse services, education, advocacy

Centro de Salud Alameda

Calle Alameda nº 5, Madrid

91 429 38 02

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud Justicia

Calle Regueros nº 3, Madrid

91 702 54 83 / 84

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud Las Cortes

Calle Carrera de San Jerónimo nº 32, Madrid

91 369 04 91

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud Las Fronteras

Calle Puerto de Navacerrada nº 4, Madrid

91 677 50 77

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud Lavapiés

Calle Embajadores nº 41, Madrid

91 539 88 01

91 539 88 02

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud Los Cármenes

Calle Vía Carpetana nº202, Madrid

91 466 31 39

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud San Cristóbal de los Ángeles

Calle Benimamet nº 24 A, Madrid

91 795 53 13

Primary Services: Testing

Centro de Salud Segovia

Calle Segovia nº 4, Madrid

91 541 90 05

91 548 22 24

Primary Services: Testing

Centro Madrid Salud Joven

Calle Navas de Tolosa nº 10, 2ª planta, 28013 Madrid

915 889 677

Primary Services: Testing

Centro Sanitario Sandoval

Calle Sandoval nº 7, Madrid

91 445 23 28/ 25 62

Primary Services: Testing

Centro Sanitario Sandoval

Calle Sandoval, 7, 28010 Madrid

914 452 328

Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:45am-12pm

Primary Services: Testing

CJAS Población Joven

Calle San Vicente Ferrer, 86

91 531 66 55

Hour of Operation: Monday 12pm-2pm; Monday Friday 5pm-8pm

Primary Services: HIV testing, counseling, pregnancy tests, primary care, education

Colega LGTB y población general

Calle Cabestreros 8, Madrid


Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm; Friday 10am-3pm

Primary Services: Testing, counseling, support groups,

Cruz Roja

Calle José Álvarez de Toledo, 4, 28043 Madrid

902 22 22 92

Primary Services: Testing

Imagina Más LGTB y población general

Calle del Rosario, 17, 28005 Madrid

+34 91 508 47 32

Primary Services: HIV testing, HIV counseling, mentorship,

Programa de Prevención de SIDA/ETS del Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Calle Montesa, 22 28006, Madrid

915 885 100

Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-9:30am (no appointment), Monday-Friday 8:30am-10:30am (with appointment)

Primary Services: Testing

CJAS Población Joven

Calle San Vicente Ferrer, 86

91 531 66 55

Hour of Operation:

Monday 12pm-2pm; Monday Friday 5pm-8pm

Primary Services:

HIV testing, counseling, pregnancy tests, primary care, education


Calle de la Puebla, 9, 28004 Madrid

34 915 23 00 70

Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9am-4:45pm; Friday 9am-2pm

Primary Services: Counseling services for couples, LGBT, and for people with HIV

Colega LGTB y población general

Calle Cabestreros 8, Madrid


Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm; Friday 10am-3pm

Primary Services: Testing, counseling, support groups,

Fundación Triángulo LGTB

Melendez Valdés, 52 1ºD., 28015 Madrid

34 915 93 05 40

Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 10am-2pm, 4pm-8pm

Primary Services: Peer support

Imagina Más LGTB y población general

Calle del Rosario, 17, 28005 Madrid

+34 91 508 47 32

Primary Services: HIV testing, HIV counseling, mentorship,

Apoyo Positivo Población general

Avda. Llano Castellano, 26 , 28034 Madrid

91 358 14 44

Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm; Friday 10am-2pm

Mission: "Más de 20 años de respuesta comunitaria al VIH, la salud sexual y la diversidad, educación y derechos sexuales. Prueba rápida de detección VIH en 20 min."

Primary Services: Testing, psychologial services, peer support groups, substance abuse services, education, advocacy

CJAS Población Joven

Calle San Vicente Ferrer, 86

91 531 66 55

Hour of Operation: Monday 12pm-2pm; Monday Friday 5pm-8pm

Primary Services: HIV testing, counseling, pregnancy tests, primary care, education


Calle de la Puebla, 9, 28004 Madrid

34 915 23 00 70

Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9am-4:45pm; Friday 9am-2pm

Primary Services: Counseling services for couples, LGBT, and for people with HIV

Colega LGTB y población general

Calle Cabestreros 8, Madrid


Hour of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm; Friday 10am-3pm

Primary Services: Testing, counseling, support groups,

Imagina Más LGTB y población general

Calle del Rosario, 17, 28005 Madrid

+34 91 508 47 32

Primary Services: HIV testing, HIV counseling, mentorship,

São Paulo

Community Leadership Messages

“We have won many great battles against HIV, but we must continue fighting. Now, we must take advantage of lessons learned, scientific advances, and all available resources to achieve total success. Our aspiration is a new generation without HIV, a world without AIDS."

Santiago Moreno
Chief of the Department of Infectious Diseases

"The HIV response has been one of the most important clinical successes of humanity, but it has also greatly failed community. We can only end the epidemic hand in hand with affected communities. As signatories of the Paris Declaration, we have the opportunity to end AIDS, guarantee basic rights to people living with HIV, and ensure their active participation; thus, mitigating stigma and utilizing the HIV response as an engine for authentic social transformation."

Jorge Garrido
Executive Director

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